Great Books On Nonprofits To Read In 2022

Nikolas Velikopoljski
3 min readAug 12, 2022

If you work in the nonprofit sector or are curious about nonprofits and helping those less fortunate than you, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to read a few books on the subject. Reading books about nonprofits is a great way to learn more about the topic and broaden your perspectives on how nonprofits work, and how we can improve them. There are countless books about this subject though, and we only have so much free time. So which books are worth your time? Let’s talk about it.

From the Ground Up: Digital Fundraising for Nonprofits — Brock Warner, CFRE

Despite the rapid evolution of digital technology and the increasing number of people working in the nonprofit sector, there are still a few fundamentals that every organization needs to know about in order to successfully use it. This handbook will help you build and design a digital fundraising program that will allow you to raise more money. It will also teach you how to implement effective marketing strategies and systems that will help improve your organization’s efficiency.

Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds — Adrienne Maree Brown

In this book, author and activist, Adrienne Maree Brown, will help you navigate through the constantly changing world around you. She will teach you how to feel and map out a strategy to help yourself and the planet. She will also help you understand the various ways that society is shifting and how you can help make a difference in the world.

Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t — Jim Collins

This book’s title more or less says it all. Through his extensive research, Collins identified a group of companies that were able to make the leap from mediocre to outstanding. He also looked into companies that were able to sustain their growth for several years after the leap. The team found that these companies had seven characteristics that they shared, including their employees’ motivation and discipline. This book aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the various steps that a company can take to build a successful organization. It also shows the long-term strategies that can help it achieve its goals.

Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofit — Leslie R. Crutchfield and Heather McLeod Grant

The authors of this book spent years studying some of the most prominent organizations in the world to find out what makes them so special. They then came up with a list of six practices that can help any organization improve its performance. This book will help you understand the importance of working with for-profit organizations instead of against them, as well as the need to establish a network of like-minded individuals. It will also explain the six practices in real-world examples that have been used by some of the world’s most prominent organizations.

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Nikolas Velikopoljski

Nikolas Velikopoljski is the Founder of The Benefitted and a community leader based in Miami, FL. Learn more @