Decision-Making Tips for Someone New to Management

Nikolas Velikopoljski
3 min readApr 17, 2023


As a new manager, you will likely face many decision-making challenges. While you may feel overwhelmed and unprepared, some tips and strategies can help you confidently make effective decisions. Here are some decision-making tips for someone new to management:

Clarify your goals and priorities

Before making any decisions, clarifying your goals and priorities is crucial. What are you trying to achieve? What are the most important outcomes for your team or organization? By setting clear goals and priorities, you can make more informed decisions aligned with your overall objectives.

Gather data and information

To make effective decisions, you need to have access to relevant data and information. This may involve gathering data from internal sources such as employee feedback, performance metrics, financial reports and external sources such as market research and industry trends. By collecting and analyzing data, you can make informed decisions

Consider the perspectives of others

As a manager, you lead a team of individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. When making decisions, it’s essential to consider the views of others and to seek input and feedback from your team. This can help you identify potential blind spots and ensure your decisions are inclusive and equitable.

Use a structured decision-making process

One practical approach to decision-making is to use a structured process that involves gathering information, evaluating options, and selecting the best course of action. This may include breaking down complex decisions into smaller, more manageable steps, using decision matrices or other tools to evaluate options, and seeking input from experts or stakeholders. Using a structured process, you can make more objective and consistent decisions based on a clear and transparent process.

Consider the risks and benefits

Every decision involves some degree of risk and uncertainty. When making decisions, it’s essential to consider the potential risks and benefits of different options. This may include assessing the likelihood and impact of different outcomes, evaluating other options’ potential costs and benefits, and weighing your decisions’ short-term and long-term consequences. Considering the risks and benefits, you can make more informed decisions aligned with your goals and objectives.

Communicate your decisions clearly

Once you have decided, it’s essential to communicate it clearly and effectively to your team and other stakeholders. This may involve explaining the rationale behind your decision, outlining the expected outcomes and impacts, and addressing any concerns or questions. By clearly communicating your choices, you can build trust and credibility with your team and ensure everyone is aligned and on the same page.

Learn from your decisions

Finally, it’s essential to learn from your decisions and to improve your decision-making process continuously. This may involve evaluating the outcomes and impacts of your choices, soliciting feedback from your team and other stakeholders, and reflecting on your decision-making process and biases. By learning from your options, you can identify areas for improvement and make more effective decisions in the future.

Decision-making is a critical skill for any manager, and it can be challenging for someone new to management. By following these tips and strategies, you can make effective decisions aligned with your goals and priorities, consider the perspectives of others, use a structured decision-making process, consider the risks and benefits, communicate your findings clearly, and learn from your choices. With practice and experience, you can develop your decision-making skills and become a more effective and confident manager.

Originally published at



Nikolas Velikopoljski

Nikolas Velikopoljski is the Founder of The Benefitted and a community leader based in Miami, FL. Learn more @